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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bee Green Smart with the Pollinator Project

The first day of summer marks the beginning of the annual celebration of Pollinator Week.  During this week, the Pollinator Partnershipconservation and pollination supporters, recognize the contributions to green initiatives made by pollinating animals and insects.  The Pollinator Partnership is a 501(3)(c) non-profit corporation dedicated to the good health, protection and conversation of all pollinating animals and insects, including, but not limited to bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, hummingbirds and bats.  These green “warriors” support the production of food and the health of the ecosystem.

Research results by the Pollinator Partnership give an impressive breakdown of the contributions of pollinators.  (1)  Between 75% and 95% of all plants on the earth rely on pollinators for their survival.  (2)  Pollinators service approximately 180,000 different plant species and more than 1200 crops.  (3) Approximately 33% of the food consumed is available because of pollinators.  (4) In economic terms, pollinators generate $217 billion to the global economy, and the “green” work of honey bees is responsible for up to $5.4 billion to the U.S. agricultural production alone.  (5)  Pollination supports green initiatives by cleaning the air, stabilizing the soil and supporting other wildlife.

The Pollination Partnership offers a Planting Guide that can be used with an interactive database of 1,000 native plants.  Green gardeners can select plants according to the pollinators they wish to attract and determine the necessary light, soil requirements, plant types and bloom colors for their gardens.  With this guide, plant enthusiasts can have the garden they desire while simultaneously supporting pollinators and green initiatives.

Let’s pollinate green, live green, be green.
The Community Pollination Project (photo credit:  Landcare Research, Mankaai Whenua Research Organization)

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