Page Views

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spread the Word

We are really trying to start a movement here as well as provide a valuable resource in terms of living "Green."  Our views are growing everyday so please continue to help us out and get involved.  Post us on your facebook and twitter walls and encourage everyone you know to take a look.  If you would like something posted on the blog email us at and your thoughts will be shared.

Thanks you so much!

PMD United 

Going Green

A guide on going green!  Check it out. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hey.  Just had to throw this site up for people to go visit.  We barely know where to begin because of how vast the material is.  What we can say, however, is go check it out and see how you can be ~Green Minded~.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The EverGREEN Team

While meandering about the world wide web, we came across a site for the green company, Clean Green Energy, LLC.  The link in the title of this post goes directly to the "About" page on their site, outlining their EverGREEN system and what they aim to accomplish through their business.  It is pretty great, how much this single company is able to offer consumers, in the way of creating and storing green energy, as well as other specialized services. 

Also, we found the company's ability to join forces with other companies and suppliers extremely commendable.  They skillfully form what they call the EverGREEN Team, helping to better serve customers through expert precision.  Be sure to check it out.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

NICE! A Like-Minded Site in the Realm of GREEN...

We were browsing the Internet again, and while sifting through the countless landing sites that occupy the vast world of cyberspace, we came across EcoStreet.  We were immediately compelled to throw a shout out up on our blog.  Here's the deal: EcoStreet is a blog and web-directory site.  No big deal, right? WRONG! 

EcoStreet is very much aligned with PMD United's ideas, that green knowledge must be spread, as opposed to spreading green pressure.  We were won over by the site's "About EcoStreet" tab, but be sure to explore the entire site for green information and products.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thinking of Entering the Green Marketplace?

If you have a passion for change and improvement, you can find a way to start a modern day business while still keeping those ideals strong.  Check out the company site of GreenMind, a specifically green consulting firm that offers other services as well.  It seems like this is worth looking into if you have any aspirations of doing business in today's fast-growing green marketplace.  

Also, I would recommend you check out the link to their partner page, ecoScorecard, an interesting site which I think can be very helpful for builders and people making improvements to their homes. 

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

So Simple To GO GREEN Today!

Hey Everyone!  Sorry for the delay since the last post.  Without further ado, here's the next one...  

It's a great site run in association with BioGreen Systems, Inc. and it offers tons of useful information for the expert and novice alike.  You'll find a list of GREEN substitutes to many household products you may use daily.  I would strongly recommend taking a look at this page and even visiting the online store to purchase some of these eco-friendly products for yourself!