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Monday, June 20, 2011

Pacific Green Furniture

Keeping with the idea of home furnishings, we continued digging around the World Wide Web.  One of the coolest sites, and also one of the most unique sites, that we found was that for a company called Pacific Green.  This company has a really awesome backstory and an even more awesome collection of furniture for the home.  We must admit it is indeed a progressive taste, but the company has come a long way and has a great vibe to the work it continues to produce.  We definitely recommend taking a look at the beautifully interactive site...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Viesso, a.k.a. Awesome

Hey everyone, as promised, we come to you with yet another post.  (Woohoo! I know, two posts in two weeks... we're on a serious roll!)

On a serious note, we came across this awesome sight for a new-age, eco-friendly furniture and home furnishings label.  The name of the company is Viesso and they have a serious passion for keeping everything they make super sleek and as environmentally friendly as possible.  There is so much to learn in the way of new methods of producing Green furniture -- we were captivated for a while reading up on Viesso's products and philosophy.  We definitely recommend taking a look at their site and seriously considering their products for your next home improvement project.  (Our personal favorites were Viesso's cool twists on the conventional fire places.)  Check it out!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Greenovation of Transportation

First of all we would like to apologize for the lapse in blogging.  We are adjusting to the transition into summer and have been bogged down with a million different things.  We are back now and you can count on consistent posts with some really cool stuff.

Secondly, check out the link.  This solar powered train is truly amazing and revolutionary in the eco-friendly industry.  The concept has been around for quite some time now but no particular organization and or country was previously willing to fund the costly venture.  Take a look!!

Monday, May 09, 2011

Coming Up in the World: U.S. Green Building Council

Hey everyone!  Wow, it has been entirely too long since our last post -- almost a month to date.  Nonetheless, we are presenting to you something truly great. 

It has taken a little bit of time for green programs to truly gain a head of steam, especially on a national or international scale, but as the world realizes how small differences everywhere can create massive improvements over time, we will continue to see more implementations of green initiatives worldwide. 

A true leader in the way of getting things done the green way is the United States Green Building Council.  The U.S. Green Building Council is all about their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) programs and initiatives.  If this at all interests you, we would recommend checking out their Education services or perhaps even their National or Chapter Membership programs, which come with some worthwhile benefits. 

PMD United might even be attending their GREENBUILD International Conference and Expo in Toronto, Canada this coming October.  For dates and more information, check it out! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Green Gadget of the Week!

Check this out!! We will soon see in stores a mobile phone that allows you to charge it by twirling it around your finger.  It is called Rotel and is one of the first "green" concepts devised for the cellular world. Not only is it eco-friendly due to its energy efficiency but it's also sleek and trendy.  Take a look!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

YouTube: PlanetGreenTV

Hey everyone!  Back again with some really cool recommendations.  First off, we just finished surfing YouTube, a habit that so many develop through periods of boredom and free time, and we came across one channel that we believe is definitely worth checking out -- PLANETGREENTV.  This channel is packed with extremely interesting material all about people and places that are going green.  Granted, most of the innovations shown in these videos are super expensive to construct and implement.  However, it is simply the thought of educating oneself that keeps us watching, and that certain knowledge of innovative green technologies is definitely worth our time, especially if it is obtained through truly entertaining channels.  But don't take our word for how great the channel is, have a look for yourself!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

GREEN JUSTICE! Make a stand against "environmentally-challenged" people!

Hey everyone! We're back again with another great find.  This one is actually like nothing we've ever seen before.  Green-minded, creative, and extremely innovative, the PEOPLE for GREEN JUSTICE blog site is amazing.  I know its one of those things that everyone thinks about, "how do I confront someone I know about their non-green habits?"  Well, here is one possible answer for you! On this site, you can now file claims and complaints about people who you catch in the act... and manage to maintain complete anonymity if you'd like.  Perfect, right?  Call out whomever you like for violations of green principles and ways of life.

Also, I would check out the couple of t-shirts available for purchase through ETSY ads on the site... pretty funny stuff.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


We recently stumbled across a top green blog and website, Green Matters, which is flawlessly operated by bestselling green author Crissy Trask.  She offers a huge array of information and consultation.  Our favorite aspect of her site is the Green Tips tab she has, where a visitor can very easily find tips and information on products he or she can purchase to become a more earth-conscious consumer.  Definitely check out Green Matters if you have the heart and can find the time!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Paper Cups: Things of the Past, Thanks to COPCO!

This morning I was reminded to post on this blog by a seemingly insignificant object that, upon closer examination, really is super important in my life -- my COPCO Hot Beverage To Go Cup!  Ha.  In all seriousness though, it is something I consider to be one of the best purchases I have ever made.  I never ever struggle with paper cups that sometimes leak, that are extremely hot to the touch, and that I have to dispose of when I'm finished drinking.  Now, I use my COPCO... I have three in all, and I take them straight to the coffee shop when I don't have time to brew my own Cup of Joe (it's a standard 16oz. cup, so most places will charge you for the 16oz. size).  COPCO also makes a very cool Cold Beverage To Go Cup which has become very popular as well. 

Friday, April 01, 2011

The "Green" Approach to Lawncare

April is here, and it is time to make our lawns look lush and beautiful.  Oftentimes we use fertilizers to promote healthy and timely growth of our grass.  Despite the wonderful effect that fertilizers may have on our lawns, they can be very detrimental to the environment.  The main issue is that a lot of fertilizers contain the element phosphorus, which enhances plant growth.  However, rainfall causes phosphorus and other elements to run off into the various bodies of water surrounding our communities.  Phosphorus is a natural element that is necessary to life, but too much of it can create an over-abundance of plant life within bodies of water.  When this happens, the natural balance of eco-systems can be destroyed.  Additionally, excess phosphorus run-off has a negative impact on animal life due to reduction of  available oxygen caused by the excess plant life.  When this happens, bodies of water turn green and unattractive.  Consequently, fishermen are negatively impacted by low fish populations, thereby having a deleterious effect on the economy. 
Please do your part this spring and take the environment into consideration.  Look for fertilizers that are phosphorus free!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spread the Word

We are really trying to start a movement here as well as provide a valuable resource in terms of living "Green."  Our views are growing everyday so please continue to help us out and get involved.  Post us on your facebook and twitter walls and encourage everyone you know to take a look.  If you would like something posted on the blog email us at and your thoughts will be shared.

Thanks you so much!

PMD United 

Going Green

A guide on going green!  Check it out. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hey.  Just had to throw this site up for people to go visit.  We barely know where to begin because of how vast the material is.  What we can say, however, is go check it out and see how you can be ~Green Minded~.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The EverGREEN Team

While meandering about the world wide web, we came across a site for the green company, Clean Green Energy, LLC.  The link in the title of this post goes directly to the "About" page on their site, outlining their EverGREEN system and what they aim to accomplish through their business.  It is pretty great, how much this single company is able to offer consumers, in the way of creating and storing green energy, as well as other specialized services. 

Also, we found the company's ability to join forces with other companies and suppliers extremely commendable.  They skillfully form what they call the EverGREEN Team, helping to better serve customers through expert precision.  Be sure to check it out.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

NICE! A Like-Minded Site in the Realm of GREEN...

We were browsing the Internet again, and while sifting through the countless landing sites that occupy the vast world of cyberspace, we came across EcoStreet.  We were immediately compelled to throw a shout out up on our blog.  Here's the deal: EcoStreet is a blog and web-directory site.  No big deal, right? WRONG! 

EcoStreet is very much aligned with PMD United's ideas, that green knowledge must be spread, as opposed to spreading green pressure.  We were won over by the site's "About EcoStreet" tab, but be sure to explore the entire site for green information and products.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thinking of Entering the Green Marketplace?

If you have a passion for change and improvement, you can find a way to start a modern day business while still keeping those ideals strong.  Check out the company site of GreenMind, a specifically green consulting firm that offers other services as well.  It seems like this is worth looking into if you have any aspirations of doing business in today's fast-growing green marketplace.  

Also, I would recommend you check out the link to their partner page, ecoScorecard, an interesting site which I think can be very helpful for builders and people making improvements to their homes. 

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

So Simple To GO GREEN Today!

Hey Everyone!  Sorry for the delay since the last post.  Without further ado, here's the next one...  

It's a great site run in association with BioGreen Systems, Inc. and it offers tons of useful information for the expert and novice alike.  You'll find a list of GREEN substitutes to many household products you may use daily.  I would strongly recommend taking a look at this page and even visiting the online store to purchase some of these eco-friendly products for yourself!

Monday, February 28, 2011

New York looking to re-vamp its schools?

The New York Times have a green blog that they run.  Here, they speak about the potential of renovating schools in an effort to become more eco-friendly.  Crazy how large of an impact a small lighting change can have!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It Won't Go Unnoticed: New Green Awards

Finally, a step in the right direction.  It is not just businesses who need to change their ways to help our planet, it is also everyday folk like you.  That is exactly what this blog is about -- we need to change the world from the bottom up!  Now, there will be a new awards program dedicated solely to recognizing those of us who are making a difference.  Long live the Green! 

Also, for more information on the company and program, don't hesitate to visit their site!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green

Check out this list of guidelines to ways in which you can not only make the world a bit greener, but your wallet as well!